Town of Henrietta Parks and Recreation Department
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Preschool Playgroup Register View Cart

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Preschool Playgroup is a structured program that encourages social development through play and educational activities. Children learn to play together in a supervised environment by participating in games, projects, songs, and arts & crafts.

You may only register for one preschool playgroup class. You may register your child for a second Preschool Playgroup class one week prior to the program starting, if space is available.

Late Fall registration begins October 7th for Residents, October 14th for Non-Residents

Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
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Preschool Playgroup Late Fall Session - Mon. & Tues. (2.5 - 3 yrs.) 
2y 6m - 3y N/A MTu  11/12/2024 - 01/21/2025
09:15 AM - 11:45 AM

Henrietta Recreation Center - Multipurpose Room 1
$260.00 Res, $299.00 Non-Res
0 seat(s) available
*You may only register for one preschool playgroup class. You may register your child for a second Preschool Playgroup class one week prior to the program starting, if space is available.*
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Preschool Playgroup Late Fall Session - Wed. & Fri. (3-5 yrs.) 
3y - 5y N/A WF  11/13/2024 - 01/24/2025
09:30 AM - 12:15 PM

Henrietta Recreation Center - Multipurpose Room 1
$260.00 Res, $299.00 Non-Res
0 seat(s) available
*You may only register for one preschool playgroup class. You may register your child for a second Preschool Playgroup class one week prior to the program starting, if space is available.*
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Preschool Playgroup Late Fall Session - Thurs. (3-5 yrs.) 
3y - 5y N/A Th  11/14/2024 - 01/23/2025
09:15 AM - 12:15 PM

Henrietta Recreation Center - Multipurpose Room 1
$130.00 Res, $150.00 Non-Res
0 seat(s) available
*You may only register for one preschool playgroup class. You may register your child for a second Preschool Playgroup class one week prior to the program starting, if space is available.*
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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